The Tai Solarin University of Education Students’ Union (TASUEDSU), Assistant General Secretary (AGS) Com. Rabiu Sodiq (RELIABLE SURZ) has begin to declared his ambition as the next TASUEDSU PRESIDENT for 2020/2021 via his WhatsApp status. “Successor and Predecessor we’re caught on camera eating bread and beans at Dawah camp 2019”.
The above status caption has begin to generate questions from TASUEDITES and Reliable SURZ seems unfazed by posting another status…
“Check this irrelevant reason why I know it’s my time:
Bamidele (Equipment) 2017 short man
Olamide (Drizzy) 2018 short man
Soneye (LAS) 2019 short man
Rabiu Sodiq (Reliable Surz) 2020 short man.

It is not a gainsaying that the incumbent TASUEDSU AGS have declared himself as the next TASUEDSU President!
He has shown his readiness to take the mantle of leadership by presenting his manifesto thus:
“I tagged my manifesto as THE STUDENTS MANIFESTO.
This manifesto is students centered and it is a realistic one which will have nothing but students welfarism and interest articulation. Wait till I unveil it, don’t forget we can never have a progressive students union, if we failed to elect a Reliable, sustainable and indomitable students servant – Rabiu Sodiq”.

.TASUEDites are anxiously awaiting the presidential aspirants list for 2020/2021 TASUEDSU election.
Reliable Surz should know that to become TASUEDSU 001 is every Students House of Senate (SHS) members aspiration!