To whom much is given, much is expected this popular adage goes to the TASUEDSU Director of Transport, Sen. Abiodun Mathew O. (BigShow) for achieving one of his promises to Tasuedites.
The TASUEDSU Transports Director (BigShow) has facilitated the construction of bumps across the campus from the main gate to the second gate in TASUED with the support of the school management led by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Arigbagbu A.A.
The bumps are constructed to limit vehicles speed on campus and to curb auto crash.
In a conversation with our correspondents, Senator Abiodun Matthew plead with all students to be law abiding and follow all rules of the road to avoid any casualty!
In his conclusion, he said on behalf of the Students Union Body, we appreciate the Management Team and the Entire Transport Team Of The University and Hope that such Continuous Development Would Continue To Place The Institution On A Higher Scale.