TASUEDFinest Unveils 3rd Edition of the People's Choice Awards: Celebrating Youth Excellence

In a world where the narrative often focuses on the challenges and negativity surrounding young people, the TASUEDFInest People’s Choice Awards aims to change the conversation. This initiative is dedicated to celebrating and promoting the image of positive-minded youth. Despite the widespread belief that Nigerian youth are unproductive, we see a different reality—one where young people are breaking new ground, contributing meaningfully, influencing change, and making a significant impact in their communities.

Why the TASUEDFInest People’s Choice Awards Matter

For too long, the remarkable achievements of Nigerian youth have gone unnoticed, unappreciated, and unsupported. This lack of recognition can discourage further innovation and participation. The TASUEDFInest People’s Choice Awards were created to spotlight these achievements, encouraging young people to continue making positive contributions. By acknowledging and celebrating their efforts, we validate their work and inspire others to follow in their footsteps.

Click HereTASUEDFinest People’s Choice Awards Students Categories

This Year’s Theme: “Discovering the Icons”

The 2024 edition of the awards is themed “Discovering the Icons,” and it’s all about unearthing and celebrating young individuals who are making a difference. These awards are a call to action for young people to step forward and showcase how they are impacting their environments. Whether it’s through leadership, innovation, community service, or creative expression, we want to recognize the youth who are shaping a brighter future.

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Who Can Be Nominated?

Nominations are open to any young person engaged in development work for more than 12 months, either on their campus or in the surrounding community. This can include work in education, capacity building, media, politics, health & well-being, human rights, entertainment, sports, tech, and more. Nominees can either nominate themselves or be nominated by someone who can vouch for their impact.

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Click Here: TASUEDFinest People’s Choice Awards Non-Student Categories

What Makes a Nominee Stand Out?

The awards will be judged based on several criteria:

  • Quality of Impact: How significant and far-reaching is the nominee’s work?
  • Innovation: Has the nominee introduced fresh, creative approaches to problem-solving?
  • Achievements: What tangible results have been achieved?
  • Evidence: Is there solid evidence to support the nominee’s contributions?
  • Sustainability: Does the nominee’s work have the potential for long-term impact, ensuring future generations benefit from it?

How to Nominate

Nominations will be open from the 1st of September, 2024 to the 15th of September 2024, and individuals can submit nominations by completing an online form. After nomination, nominees will need to provide further details about themselves, their work, and the impact they’ve made. An unrefundable acceptance fee will be paid to accept your nomination which is required to finalize the nomination process.

A Call to Action

The TASUEDFInest People’s Choice Awards is not just about celebrating individual achievements; it’s about creating a movement. A movement that acknowledges the power of young people to effect change, to build the society they want, and to inspire others to do the same. By supporting these awards, you are supporting a brighter, more positive future for all.

Join Us in Discovering the Icons

We invite you to be a part of this incredible journey. Whether by nominating a young changemaker, sharing their stories, or supporting the awards in other ways, your involvement matters. Together, we can show the world that Nigerian youth are not only productive but are also vital contributors to our communities and our future.

Discover the icons among us. Celebrate their impact. Inspire the next generation. Join us at the TASUEDFInest People’s Choice Awards.

Nominated Now

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