As the strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities ( ASUU) is suspended yesterday, our social media team wrote some tips on how to prepare for resumption.

  1. First, be happy that you are returning to school, at last; so don’t go on frowning as if you have been watching some horror movies since the strike
  2. If you abandoned your books in the last eight months (which we bet you did) for heaven’s sake, go back to them fast. Don’t come and be writing ‘Resumption’ as ‘Rizomshon!’
  3. Bring the money you have been saving for sometime now (if you haven’t squandered it on something we don’t know). You will need it greatly, the school is not going to be giving charity, it is not smiling now.
  4. If you were keeping malice with any of your classmates, teachers, staff, etc before you left the campus, drop it now. Eight months are a long time for you to be carrying this ugly load, your heart can sink!
  5. Seek credible information from official platforms of the University, scammers are everywhere, and will be very happy to ruin your own happiness now
  6. Your lecturers are just returning from a long, ardous battle, be civil and respectful to them. They didn’t go on strike for this long without pay for you to be asking them ‘how market Sir/Ma?’
  7. Lectures and assignments might be starting immediately, be hungry for them, don’t go on partying while your mates are studying. You probably had enough of such partying while you were away from campus
  8. As you prepare to return, let your parents be happy and thankful to God that you are leaving because something nice is coming your way, not because at last, ‘the nasty guy is going away!’
  9. Be hardworking and prayerful. God doesn’t love lazy and arrogant kids.
  10. Believe that whatever you have lost all this while is too meagre and insignificant to intercept the great, beautiful things that your future is bringing for you.

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